Credit Score

Woman receiving a fraud alert on her phone from a credit monitoring service

Free Military Fraud Alerts & Credit Monitoring

The threat of credit-card fraud or identity theft is ever-present, and it may seem impossible to know when you’re at risk and who might be trying to defraud you. Military personnel, particularly those who are ...
Credit scoring chart

What Is A Credit Score?

Dealing with your financial health can be like dealing with your physical health. Before you can fix it, you have to know what the problem is. A lot of people would rather not know than ...
Military Servicemembers open shirt pocket filled with money

How Debt and Credit Score Affect Security Clearances

It’s the opportunity you’ve wanted. More responsibility, bigger paycheck, maybe a step up in rank. Now it’s yours, assuming you get the security clearance the new position requires. But as the military’s mandatory background check ...
Credit report with a poor credit score listed

What Is a Credit Repair Scam?

If you have bad credit, few things are more tempting than a quick fix that promises to repair your credit and instantly increase your credit score. But beware, a company that offers to instantly repair ...